Tuesday, September 14, 2010

No Words to Explain This One...

I have arrived at a point in my life where I do not have words to describe where I am. I looked around today and soaked in my blessings. In the face of tragedy (of several friends), I am left to remember how blessed I am. Why do we forget our blessings? My kids are so amazing and yet, I forget that sometimes. My husband is completely wonderful and I don't remind him enough. I am lucky that I was given the opportunity this week to remember God's Grace and his amazing work in my life. W is in the third grade and is doing great. He loves his teacher and his maturing (until he gets home and then he lets it all out!). J adores his Kindergarten teacher and is in seventh heaven when he gets to go to school. He is excited to try his hand at wrestling this winter. C is learning how to survive without her binky and diaper this month. She is so very proud of herself. These are such small, yet important parts of our life. I need to write more and remember more.

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